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Over 40 mammals can be found throughout Warwickshire

Our local mammals are listed below in their scientifc groups.

Help us locate and monitor our local mammal populations by sending us your sightings. 

We'll be updating this page in the future with more info about known distributions of Warwickshire mammals.


 © S Brooks


Hazel dormouse

Mice: house, wood, harvest, yellow-necked

Voles: water, field & bank

Rats: brown & black

Grey squirrel


Throughout the year we'll be holding small mammal events. Get involved in small mammal trapping, owl pellet analysis and other surveys by becoming a member of the Mammal Group.


Has your cat been bringing in small furries? Let us know

ID tip: mice have long tails while vole tails are short.

 © S Batt




Brown hare


We see rabbits everywhere but they're actually really under-recorded! Know a rabbit hotspot? Click here to find out about submitting records.


Brown hares are recognised by the black tips to their ears and their running movement (while rabbits hop). You can often see them running in arable fields, but they're really hard to spot when they're still! Look out for their famous boxing behaviour in the spring!

 © B Wood


Pipistrelles: Common, Soprano & Nathusius

Myotis: Daubenton's, Brandt's, Whiskered, Natterer's

Noctule & Leisler's

Brown long eared, Lesser horseshoe, Serotine, Barbastelle


Find out more about the UK's flying mammals by joining the Warwickshire Bat Group and getting involved in batty events.


Did you know that our smallest bat, pipistrelles, can eat up to 3000 insects in just one night?! They're very handy for the BBQ season!

 © S Brooks



Shrews: common, pygmy & water




Discover the red tips on shrews' teeth at one of our owl pellet events!


Let us know about the moles wreaking havoc on your lawns by sending us your records.


Find out more about hedgehogs with the WWT Help for Hedgehogs Campaign.

 © C Coton





Stoats & Weasels

Polecats & polecat-ferrets

Big cats?!


These creatures can be very difficult to get sightings of, but we can often find evidence that they're here. Look out for footprints, hairs caught in brambles and smelly fox poo and otter spraints.


Stoats and weasels are often most active at dusk and dawn and you can sometimes catch them on a camera trap. 



 © S Brooks



Roe deer

Fallow deer



There are plenty of deer in Warwickshire! 3 species occur here in the wild. Have you spotted any on your travels? Send in your deer sightings.


ID tip: Muntjac are the really small ones. The best way to tell apart the roe and fallow deer is to look at their bums - roe deer have plain white bottoms while fallow deer have black lines at the sides and down the tail.

© 2023 by Warwickshire Mammal Group

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